Most popular newspaper headline font
Most popular newspaper headline font

most popular newspaper headline font

The macOS and iOS equivalent is Optima Regular. It’s part of Microsoft’s ClearType font collection. Candara Candara font exampleĬandara is a sans serif font. Recommended Font Stackįont-family: Cambria, Georgia, serif. This gives it a more modern feel and also maintains a high level of readability on screens.

most popular newspaper headline font

Cambria Cambria font exampleĬambria is an even softer serif font, with, in many cases, barely noticeable serifs even for capital letters. Recommended Font Stackįont-family: Calisto MT, Bookman Old Style, Bookman, Goudy Old Style, Garamond, Hoefler Text, Bitstream Charter, Georgia, serif. The macOS or iOS equivalent is the Bookman Old Style font. It’s a standard Microsoft font, included with most newer versions of Windows. Calisto MT Calisto MT font exampleĬalisto MT is a serif font with slightly softer and less pronounced serifs than most similar typefaces. Recommended Font Stackįont-family: Calibri, Candara, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif. It has a soft, modern look, with rounded edges to elevate the typical sans serif feel, making it more warm than robotic. Recommended Font Stackįont-family: Bodoni MT, Bodoni 72, Didot, Didot LT STD, Hoefler Text, Garamond, Times New Roman, serif.Ĭalibri is Microsoft’s standard sans serif font and has been since its release with Microsoft Office 2007. Bodoni 72 is included with macOS Sierra and newer versions. Bodoni MT is available by default with Microsoft 10 and some older versions. Bodoni MT / Bodoni 72 Bodoni MT font exampleīodoni MT is a serif font, like Times New Roman, more suitable for paragraph text than headlines for most websites. Recommended Font Stackįont-family: Baskerville, Baskerville Old Face, Garamond, Times New Roman, serif. It’s well supported by newer Apple and Microsoft OS versions. The design is well-balanced, using a mix of thick and thin strokes to soften the hard edges of a typical serif typeface. Baskerville Baskerville font exampleīaskerville is a relatively thick serif font, originally developed as a typeface by John Baskerville in 1750. Recommended Font Stackįont-family: Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif. Although in recent years, it’s often used as a fallback in a font stack, rather than as the main font-family.

most popular newspaper headline font

Arial Arial font exampleĪrial is a classic sans serif font, suitable for both paragraphs and headlines. We’ve compiled a list of over thirty different great-looking web safe fonts you can use to design your website.

These web-safe fonts are a) 100% free to use ✅ and b) don’t need to be hosted anywhere else for your visitors to see them ✅ Find all 30+ options here ⬇️ Click to Tweet 31+ Best Web Safe Fonts But, the extra HTTP requests to an outside server could slow down your page loading speed.

most popular newspaper headline font

Google Fonts are completely safe to use to enhance the design of your website. But, don’t worry about the lack of the word safe. Web safe fonts already have font files ready on the majority of devices. Confusing, we know, but the difference is that your browser needs to load a file before it can show Google fonts. Rather, since Google, a third-party, hosts them, a Google Font is called a web font. Google Fonts aren’t inherently supported by your operating system, so by definition, they aren’t web safe fonts.

Most popular newspaper headline font