Org chromium arc applauncher
Org chromium arc applauncher

org chromium arc applauncher
  1. #Org chromium arc applauncher install
  2. #Org chromium arc applauncher driver
  3. #Org chromium arc applauncher code

To enable two finger swipe to go back and forward through your history, use the following flags: You need to close the browser, then open it.Īdditionally, if you are having trouble with input methods you may also want to force newer GTK:

org chromium arc applauncher

Do not use it, because the browser will still be relaunched in a platform it was before changing the flag. Note: When changing the "ozone-platform-hint" in browser flags menu, the browser will provide you a relaunch button. Only -ignore-gpu-blocklist is enough for our purposes. On some systems (especially on XWayland) you might need to #Force GPU acceleration. To reduce CPU usage while watching YouTube where VP8/VP9 hardware decoding is not available use the h264ify, enhanced-h264ify or Not yet, AV1 extension. Starting with version 86, Chromium on desktop will only accelerate videos larger than 720p. In the newly opened Media tab, look at the hardware decoder state of the video decoder.Add the Media inspection tab: Hamburger menu > More tools > Media.Open the DevTools by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I or on the Inspect button of the context (right-click) menu.

#Org chromium arc applauncher driver

To check if it is working play a video which is using a codec supported by your VA-API driver ( vainfo tells you which codecs are supported, but Chromium will only support VP9 and h264):

  • If VA-API still does not work on X11 and old GPUs, set the LIBVA_DRI3_DISABLE=1 environment variable.
  • If VA-API still does not work, try the -enable-features=VaapiIgnoreDriverChecks or -disable-features=UseChromeOSDirectVideoDecoder flag.
  • Setting this option might no longer be needed when using Chrome 112 and may break GPU acceleration when using AMD GPUs.
  • To use the system GL renderer on Xorg or Wayland, use -use-gl=egl.
  • As a workaround, configure VA-API manually.
  • When using ANGLE, Chromium forces the older i965 driver and fails when intel-media-driver is used.
  • This is enough when using ANGLE GL renderer and libva-intel-driver.
  • Set the option -enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder.
  • For proprietary NVIDIA support, installing libva-vdpau-driver-chromium AUR or libva-vdpau-driver-vp9-git AUR is required.

    #Org chromium arc applauncher install

  • Install the correct VA-API driver for your video card and verify VA-API has been enabled and working correctly, see Hardware video acceleration.
  • VA-API does not work with the chromium package when using the native Wayland backend, but it does work in chromium-wayland-vaapi AUR.
  • However, chromium from official repositories is compiled with VA-API support and you may ask for help in the dedicated forum thread.
  • There is no official support from Chromium or Arch Linux for this feature.
  • ~/.config/nf # This line will be ignored. (This is only supported by the Chromium launcher script and will not work when using Google Chrome.)īelow is an example nf file that defines the flags -start-maximized -incognito:
  • Lines starting with a hash symbol (#) are skipped.
  • Flags can be placed in separate lines for readability, but this is not required.
  • In case of improper quoting anywhere in the file, a fatal error is raised.
  • The arguments are split on whitespace and shell quoting rules apply, but no further parsing is performed.
  • No special syntax is used flags are defined as if they were written in a terminal. You can put your flags in a nf file under $HOME/.config/ (or under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME if you have configured that environment variable) or /etc/ for global. For Google Chrome, use nf (or chrome- nf for the Dev and Beta channels) instead.

    #Org chromium arc applauncher code

    I wrapped your code in an activity: package : The nf file and the accompanying custom launcher script are specific to the various Chromium packages.

    Org chromium arc applauncher